Louis de Broglie, Matter and Light: The New Physics, trans. W. H. Johnston (Allen & Unwin, 1937); presented in Heisenberg, The Physicist’s Conception of Nature, 176-178.

...laboratory research during the last few years has led to results of the utmost interest almost each day. But theoretical Physics, too, whose function it is to provide a guiding light for experimental Physics, has not remained idle.

In the history of theoretical Physics, then, during the last thirty years, there are two great landmarks: the Theory of Relativity and the Quantum Theory, two doctrines of the widest scope; and while the Theory of Relativity is less closely connected with the advancement of atomic Physics, it is the more familiar to the man in the street. Its origin lies in certain phenomena of the propagation of Light which could not be explained by the older theories; but by an intellectual effort which will always hold an eminent place in the annals of Science, Einstein removed the difficulty by the introduction of entirely novel ideas on the nature of Space and Time and their interrelation. Hence the origin of that remarkable Theory of Relativity, which later achieved an even more general scope by providing us with an entirely new conception of Gravitation. It is true that certain of the experimental verifications of the Theory have been, and still remain, in debate; but it is quite certain that it provides us with extremely novel and fertile points of view. For it has shown how the removal of certain preconceived ideas, adopted through habit rather than logic, made it possible to overcome obstacles regarded as insuperable and thus to discover unexpected horizons; and for physicists the Theory of Relativity has been a marvellous exercise in overcoming mental rigidity.

The Quantum Theory and its developments, if less generally familiar, are certainly at least equally important, since by means of this Theory it has been possible to make use of the discoveries of experimental Physics to form a science of atomic phenomena. When a more precise description of these phenomena was felt to be necessary, the fundamental fact which became apparent was that it was imperative to introduce completely novel concepts which had been entirely unknown to classical Physics. For in order to describe the atomic world it is not enough to transport the methods and images which are valid on the human, or on the astronomical scale, to another and very much smaller scale. We saw that, following Bohr, scientists succeeded in imagining atoms to be miniature solar systems in which the electrons played the part of the planets, and in tracing their orbits round a central sun bearing a positive charge. But if this image was to give really valuable results, it became necessary to assume, still further, that the atomic solar system obeyed Quantum Laws; and these were entirely different from the Laws governing the systems with which Astronomy deals. The more carefully this difference was considered, again, the more its wide scope and fundamental significance began to be appreciated; for the intervention of quanta brought about the introduction of discontinuity in atomic Physics, and this introduction is of essential importance, since without it atoms would be unstable and Matter could not exist.

We saw that the discovery of the double nature of electrons, as at once corpuscular and undulatory, was followed by a change in the Quantum Theory, so that this was given a new form, some years ago, called Wave Mechanics. The new form has met with manifold success, and Wave Mechanics has brought about a better understanding and prediction of those phenomena which depend upon the existence of quantized stationary states for atoms. Every branch of Science, including Chemistry, has benefited from the impetus due to the new theory, because this has brought with it an entirely novel and interesting manner of interpreting chemical combinations.

The development of Wave Mechanics, then, has compelled physicists to give an ever wider and wider scope to their concepts. For according to the new principles, the Laws of Nature no longer have the strict character which they bear in classical Physics: phenomena (in other terms) are no longer subject to a rigorous Determinism; they only obey the Laws of Probability. The famous Principle of Uncertainty advanced by Heisenberg gives an exact formulation to this fact. Even the notions of Causality and of Individuality have had to undergo a fresh scrutiny, and it seems certain that this major crisis, affecting the guiding principles of our physical concepts, will be the source of philosophical consequences which cannot yet be clearly perceived.


Return to Lesson 11: Quantum Mechanics and the Principle of Non-Contradiction